
We are truly honored and humbled to help provide reliable and sustainable electricity for nearly one-third of the world’s population. We take this responsibility seriously, always focusing on our values of Safety, Quality, Delivery and Customer.

JIM VONO, GE Vernova’s Gas Power One Field Services Leader & FieldCore’s President and CEO


For every challenge, our commitment to customers is simple:

Deliver the most value and
best outcomes by providing:

Talented Employees

Collaboration, creativity, and profound field experience make our employees stand out. Our brightest minds and rigorously trained professionals work diligently to deliver reliable outcomes to our customers all around the world.

Finely Tuned Processes

We can connect the dots better than anyone else, optimizing systems to increase the overall performance of a plant. Thanks to our robust experience, first-hand knowledge of GE Vernova’s Gas & Steam technologies and actionable insights from performance data, we have a perspective no other provider can match.

Are you ready to make a

Join us while we electrify and
decarbonize the world.